Presentation by Bear Cubbedge
Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 2 pm
Hear Bear's fascinating story of the founding of the 12-step program Crim Anon following his earth-shattering discovery that for many, criminal behavior is actually addictive behavior. Bear's organization was given front-page coverage in The Oregonian.

Hear BeWell-known
A Night at the Nightclub Fundraiser Concert, Closing Reception of the Struggle for Peace Exhibit
Saturday, March 1st, 7 pm
Well-known North State musicians Allison & Victor will perform danceable music starting at 7:00 pm. Their infectious energy will light up the room! This is a fundraiser for all with appetizers, wine, beverages, and desserts.

Current Exhibit
Visit our new exhibit
Struggle for Peace: Finding Peace Within
A fascinating exploration of Peace will include:
~ Mt. Shasta Artist and Author Bea Duran~ Portland area Founder of Criminals Anonymous and Artist Harold " White Bear" Cubbedge~ Justice-impacted family member & Glass Artist Allyson Seelinger~ Jewelry Creator, TBI challenged, once incarcerated Artist Timothy Morris of Medford, Oregon

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