
Visit our exhibit
Struggle for Peace: Finding Peace Within
A fascinating exploration of Peace will include:
~ Mt. Shasta Artist and Author Bea Duran~ Portland area Founder of Criminals Anonymous and Artist Harold " White Bear" Cubbedge~ Justice-impacted family member & Glass Artist Allyson Seelinger~ Jewelry Creator, TBI challenged, once incarcerated Artist Timothy Morris of Medford, Oregon

Upcoming Events
Current Exhibit

Hear BeWell-known
The Founding of Criminals Anonymous
Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 2 pm
Featured in our current Struggle for Hope: Finding Hope Within
exhibit, artist Bear Cubbedge of Portland, Oregon is an artist, lively speaker and born leader.
Learn how Bear, formerly incarcerated and now living a successful life, made his life-changing discovery that for many, criminal behavior is addictive behavior.
Transcending Hope / CRIM-ANON now has 5 Chapters in Oregon. The Oregonian gave new 12 Step program Crim-Anon front page coverage.
Current Exhibit

Hear BeWell-known
Musical Soiree & Silent Auction
Acclaimed Performers Allison Scull & Victor Martin
Saturday, March 1st, Doors open 7 pm
Acclaimed North State performers & songwriters Allison Scull & Victor Martin on Sax will bring their own brand of acoustic Jazz soul music to the Open Sky Gallery. With Victor on tenor saxophone and vocals, Allison performs on guitar and sings. Starting at 7:30 pm. AllisonandVictor.com
* Bid on great deals at our SILENT AUCTION *
* Appetizers, wine, beverages, and desserts *
$15 advance tickets. From 2/19+ Buy tix at Nature's Kitchen, Liberty Arts
$20 tickets at door. This is a fundraiser for Open Sky.