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Together, We're Redefining Justice

through the Transformational Power of the Arts

Featuring the work of artists and their families affected by the criminal justice system

Our mission is to serve the healing of the world by expanding public awareness of social justice through the arts.

Open Sky Art Gallery has been featured in a radio interview.

Media Exposure

As featured on NPR's local affiliate, Jefferson Public Radio.
Originally aired February 19, 2024.

JPR recognizes the nonprofit community support of Open Sky Art Gallery and Gathering Place in Historic Montague.

We bring fine art together with the power of trauma awareness and healing. We are focused on artists and writers who are or once were incarcerated and the families of those who are impacted by serious crime.

We show and sell art providing an opportunity for system-impacted artists to integrate into society, increase their self  worth and heal from trauma. At the same time, we provide onsite artists’ residencies and community gatherings to build community, foster engagement, education and social connection.

Feedback from Our Artists

"Snowflower Thorner's Open Sky Gallery is a venue where miracles happen. Not only were my paintings and dioramas lovingly displayed but my poetry was made available as well.

 Furthermore, I played a set of original music at the gallery for an intelligent, attentive audience and it turned out to be one of my best performances of the last forty years.

 As a justice-impacted artist, Open Sky Gallery was the ideal space for someone like me to be healed and celebrated."

 -Michael Louis Mollo

"Hi Jeremiah,

Good news! Your Wood Duck II image has sold! We had an evening event and a woman who is a retired biologist from the Forest Service could not stop admiring your lovely painting.

Her husband snuck over to me and paid me for it as a surprise birthday gift for her.



"This is such exciting news! It’s so amazing to me that someone is interested in something I painted to buy it. I’m used to only selling to people I already know here.

So, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. It’s truly inspiring!

Take care,
J. Scott"

"Great to feel your excitement.

We’re very happy for you. You deserve it.


Researching and Writing
Colorful Envelopes

Email Conversation with Incarcerated Artist Jeremiah Scott

501 C3 Charitable Non-Profit with EIN # 92-3862107

Open Sky Gallery Facebook Page
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