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Upcoming Events


Martin Luther King, Jr. DAY
MLK - Gandhi Community Gathering
Monday, January 20th, 2:00 pm

Second annual powerful Community Sharing Circle and Ceremony. Everyone present will have a chance to add their voice to the day. Followed by Dessert Potluck. Please bring a low-sugar dish for the dessert & snack potluck.

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Current Exhibit

Visit our new exhibit
Struggle for Peace: Finding Peace Within

A fascinating exploration of Peace will include:
~ Mt. Shasta Artist and Author Bea Duran~ Portland area Founder of Criminals Anonymous and Artist Harold " White Bear" Cubbedge~ Justice-impacted family member & Glass Artist Allyson Seelinger~ Jewelry Creator, TBI challenged, once incarcerated Artist Timothy Morris of Medford, Oregon

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Upcoming Events

Mary Perry Stone's artwork will be on display through August 31st.

501 C3 Charitable Non-Profit with EIN # 92-3862107

Open Sky Gallery Facebook Page

Current Exhibit

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