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Dark Wood Floor

Visit our new exhibit:
Struggle for Peace: Finding Peace Within
Open Saturdays 11 am - 3 pm

Artists and their families affected by the criminal legal system explore how creating art boosts self-respect while providing hope and connection.


Welcome to Oen Sky Galey

Welcome to
Open Sky
Art Gallery

Dark Wood Floor


We bring fine art together with the power of trauma awareness and healing. Our community gallery is focused on artists and writers who are or once were incarcerated, their families, victims of crime and victims’ families.

By showing and selling art and creative writing, we are providing an opportunity for system-impacted artists to integrate into society, increase their self worth and heal from trauma.

Our gallery is also poised to provide onsite artists’ residencies and gatherings to build community, foster engagement, education and social connection. In our first 12 months, we have hosted over 35 well attended public events as well as four private events.

Open Sky Art Gallery is the first Justice-impacted and inspired Art Venue and Gathering Place in the Pacific Northwest.


HowTo GetHere

 "It is my responsibility as an artist to give voice and humanize a population (myself included) that is often unfairly demonized and stereotyped..."

- KW-DC, incarcerated artist

art intro

501 C3 Charitable Non-Profit with EIN # 92-3862107

Open Sky Gallery Facebook Page

Carole Alden
Stan Bey
Kevin Burch
Jonathan Cashion

Harold "Bear" Cubbedge

Bea Duran-Whiteman*
Gary Farlow
Sean Fox
Jon D. Goldberg
Ross Jackson  *

Marlis Jermutus *

Daniel Harper
Gary Harrell *

Juan Hernandez
Jen Hershelman
Brian Hindson
Erick Maciel

Santiago Martinez
Michael Louis Mollo *
Corey Moore
Tom O'Hare


Timothy Morris

Tom O'Hare

Chuck Parham
George Red
Jose Ruiz
J. Scott
Allyson Seelinger
Carole Alden
Ralph Starritt *
Mary Perry Stone
Nate T.
Mike Tran
Christian Trigg *




*Artists who gave presentations at Open Sky


Gary Farlow

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